Have you ever had inner dialogue that was less than pleasant?
Ever wished it was not there?
Often without knowing it, we create inner conflict. One part of you, wishing another wasn’t there.
Maybe now you wish the inner conflict was not there?
In this course we will use practical tools to explore how to acknowledge, accept and be open to be touched by ourselves, in every moment. Even welcoming our worst self criticism.
When we stop feeding our inner conflict, space and energy can open up to find what is meaningful for us and pursue it.
What is self love, if not that?
When: Hopefully sometime during 2021
Where: Gröna Rummet, Konstepidemins väg 6, 413 14 Göteborg
For whom: For young and old, singles and couples and other constellations (together with your partner(s) or alone), and everything in between.
Book your spot: Send an email to love (at) practical-love.org saying that you want to attend the Intro workshop and what date and time. Include your name, your email and your phone number so we can reach you in case of changes.
What to bring: You don’t have to bring anything, but if you want to take notes we recommend to bring pen and paper.
Contribution: This workshop is offered in the spirit of gift economy. On voluntary contribution – meaning you give us what your heart tells you. If you need inspiration read more about our costs for offering this workshop and our visions of what we will do with your contribution, click
Facilitator: nils
Hope to see you there
with love,