Pillars of Practical Love

Attention & Presence

To walk a path true to our own expression of love and towards peace we need to be in charge of our attention.
Our own ego and conditioning will constantly present paths that might differ from the one true to us. 

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To walk a path true to your own expression of love and towards peace we need to be in charge of our attention. Our own ego and conditioning will constantly present paths that might differ from the one true to us.

We are big believers of all practices that help you stay present and see yourself, your thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations from a detached perspective. 

Can you experience yourself experiencing the experience? 

From moment to moment welcome ego and conditioning at a lovingly observable distance, still as a part of your experience – but not mistaking it for being you, or letting it guide your next move. We believe you need your attention and presence to stay connected to your bigger picture, the question is; What do you need to cultivate the ability to stay neutral and curious when life challenges you?

Maybe a walk in the woods, cuddle with your dog, exercise, meditation or perhaps a conversation with a loved one. Maybe your ability is also supported by conscious choices around nutrition and information intake?

Our coaching, workshops and online courses all include practices supporting you to claim your attention and reclaim it when it is lost.



Practical Love evolved around something we call the big blind spot. During our introduction workshop we offer the statement below to our participants and invite them to reflect. 

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Practical Love evolved around something we call the big blind spot. During our introduction workshop we offer the statement below to our participants and invite them to reflect.  

Can we stop ourselves from feelings of love and attraction? And do we really want to? 

We question if we can, or if it is serving us to try to put a lid on feelings of love and attraction or asking our partners to do so. We do believe, however, that long-term relationships in honesty and trust can evolve along with this humanness to also like other people.

What if this is one of our conditioned blind spots? And what if we really talked about it? 

Our coaching, workshops and online courses inspire us to look at our conditioning. Not from a place of what is right or wrong. Everyone before us did their best to support our evolution and then passed along their wisdom to us. We aim to ask, with gratefulness and awareness, where are my beliefs coming from and are they serving our authentic evolution?


Practical Self-Love

After several trials, we realized that defining love more specifically than ‘an experience’ feels limiting. Instead, we practically ask: What brings us closer to experiencing this experience?

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After several trials, we realized that defining love more specifically than ‘an experience’ feels limiting. Instead, we practically ask: What brings us closer to experiencing this experience? 

In Practical Love we see two basic conditions needed for the experience of love to emerge. This means two skills we can practice to invite the experience of love into our lives:

The ability to acknowledge and accept what is, and the ability to be open to being touched with that process.

Let’s start exploring the first one. Have you ever had inner dialogue that was less than pleasant? Ever wished it was not there? Often without knowing it, we create inner conflict. One part of you, wishing another wasn’t there. Maybe now you wish the inner conflict was not there?

When we start to acknowledge and accept what is, we stop feeding the conflict and space that can hold the second condition opens up.

We believe that we humans have the capacity to see beyond words, beyond actions. Underneath there is always an innocent intention. We are all just trying our best. And if we are willing to see it, there is something very human about this that touches us.

Our coaching, workshops and courses offer invitations to look into ourselves and others for these intentions. And perhaps, after opening up to be touched, even by things that hurt us, something can start to shift. Towards trust. Trust that innocence is always there, and always has been. 

We believe a practical path towards self-love is to find what is meaningful for us and aim to live it at a life-serving challenge level. Where there is an opportunity to acknowledge, accept and be open to being touched by ourselves, in every moment. When we do, we might question whether there ever was a self to love in the first place.


Self Expression

More information is coming

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More information is coming



More information is coming

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More information is coming


Community & Support

For us, working on ourselves alone is not only boring, it is also ineffective. And two can be cozy and intimate, sure, but to ensure a playful path towards peace and actual growth we believe we need even more perspectives. We want community.

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For us, working on ourselves alone is not only boring, it is also ineffective. And two can be cozy and intimate, sure, but to ensure a playful path towards peace and actual growth we believe we need even more perspectives. We want community. 

You will notice our efforts towards community in everything we offer by inviting conversations of more than two people, and gently aim to go beyond privacy and secrecy.  

When we share our struggles, it can be a gift to someone who might feel less alone in their own struggles. A shared experience is often a lighter experience and in this connection a sense of playfulness towards our own growth can emerge. This also facilitates trust where support in the form of honest feedback, that could be challenging to hear but vital to our growth, can have a chance to be received and considered.

The support we want to explore in Practical Love is the kind that always tries to bring us back to ourselves, leaving us feeling more confident and capable of handling future challenges. Back to a place of self-love, reclaiming attention and detaching from conditioning so a freer choice can emerge from our center. 

For us, this calls for a paradigm shift. Meeting and supporting all of us where we are. Trusting that we have the keys to our own evolution but at times we need support to find them.

How can we play and grow together towards peace as a community? This is what we are researching. You are invited to join us in our coaching, workshops and courses. 


Playfulness & Joy

Why do we want a sustainable world with peace among all living things? If we get lost in our pursuit of peace we can easily forget why we are doing it. We all have our different ‘whys’ for our missions; ours is to live in joy and playfulness.

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Why do we want a sustainable world with peace among all living things? If we get lost in our pursuit of peace we can easily forget why we are doing it. We all have our different ‘whys’ for our missions; ours is to live in joy and playfulness. 

On some days even the inner work itself is just another version of play. Other days, play can seem far away. Easy days or challenging, we believe we need to incorporate playfulness into our evolution and pursuit of peace. Actually, we don’t even believe we can approach peace without it. And from peace, joy naturally emerges. 

And what is joy if not your authentic self expression meeting mine. What do you want? What do I want? When we see how we contribute to each other’s lives we realize our connection.

And when experiencing this connection, aren’t we living the experience of love? Or what if we ourselves were the experience of love all along? Only now, we brought it into our conscious awareness.

Practical Love is a playful, practical peace movement so expect elements of play in our coaching, workshops and courses.


Are you curious to explore the Pillars of Practical Love with us?
Join our Love Reminders, courses, or workshops