If we want human evolution of consciousness towards peace we believe the organisations we build need to meet the deeper needs for ourselves and our planet. This is our aim.
We are spectacularly inexperienced in building an organization like this but we let our heart lead and see where we end up.
What does an organization practicing Practical Love look like? This is something we are asking continuously. How do we create an organization that inspires trust, freedom, and authenticity?
Perhaps this means that discussions of what is professional and what is personal are lovingly exchanged for how we stay authentic while serving the cause. A shared aspiration to be ourselves as we are in the moment, and to support others to be themselves.
What would it look like if we contributed to projects we want when we want and together with people we love? And decided what and how much we would be compensated for it? For us, this means we make decisions together as a community. Who joins as a co-worker, setting schedules, vacations, salaries, and how to share profits.
Selling or gift economy and co-creation?
We dream of having no prices.
Still, not considering anything free. How could it be free when as soon as you came into contact with this project, you already contributed. Your attention is a gift to us, and with it, we believe we are already co-creating.
A dream when gift economy can serve as an exchange aiming for sustainability. Where you are free to contribute whatever feels right for you if we offer something that you value and would like to sustain.
Where we can support your gifting process by being transparent with what things cost at our end and what our visions for the future are. You know what we need to keep going and growing, but still, ultimately you give what feels right for you.
We have not yet arrived at this dream of ours. For now, we have prices, but if our suggested gift (price) is more than you wish or manage to give just email us and we’ll see what we can do <3
Guarding or sharing?
Many creators share their gifts beyond traditional copyright structures. We aim to explore with them what is beyond copyright and looking for sustainable ways others can share, use and continue to expand our work.
Adaption as a part of sustainability?
We are facing challenges unprecedented in human history.
We as an organization try to minimize and compensate our footprints to preserve what we value. Even so, environmental research and our gut feeling suggest that this is not enough to prevent ongoing and increasing worldwide suffering.
What can we do to relieve suffering? Can we include adaptation into sustainability while still doing our best to preserve what we value? Minimize our footprints but simultaneously adapt to every moment, every new circumstance we face, with as much enjoyment as possible and with peace as our direction.
In whatever way you choose to interact with Practical Love you impact our collective journey.
If you are here, you have offered us your attention and we welcome you as a co-creator. As co-creators, we all have different roles and they are ever-changing. Maybe yours today is to receive and to be inspired, or not to be inspired. Maybe you send us feedback or share your ideas.
A few of us are fortunate to spend a lot of our time contributing to Practical Love.
I like hugging, talking, yoga, oceans, forests, and dogs. I’m full of shit, love, and a bunch of other things. Luckily for my ego, everyone I got to know deeply enough is assembled by the same things and in my experience, it is when we let our humannesses meet, that love emerges.
It took me a while to see it though. Bored and tired (in retrospect I see my longing for meaning and connection) I dropped out of college, I nerded into personal development and started companies. First I wanted to become free, then after burning out I wanted to hide and escape and then slowly something else emerged, the longing to contribute.
In all my phases I’ve started with a blank piece of paper in front of me asking; What do I want in life?
It was when I applied this to love relationships it all made sense, suddenly my studies and experiences aligned. My mixed experience of date-coaching, open relationships, living in community, Nonviolent Communication and other consciousness practices offered a perspective on love that was valuable to others on their journey and in their struggles.
Since then I’ve been developing and teaching tools that support love to emerge in coaching and workshops. I believe we all need that blank piece of paper, we need time and we need support. Cheesy enough you might also say that to truly connect and listen to someone you need to be a blank piece of paper.
Practical Love for me is offering that to myself and others.
with love ♡
I like the ocean, yoga, summer rain, dancing, conversations, and creating.
I have always been curious about the human mind and all its different expressions, perhaps because I have struggled in life, but I have found that so have most of us in some way.
My struggles have led me to therapy several times, wanting to understand why I experience things the way I do, and an urge to ‘fix’ myself. But with time, communication and love, the process of opening myself up and sharing parts that were hard to share, or even see in the beginning, made me connect to myself and others on a new level. I started to sense a feeling of deep healing. Nothing needed to be fixed, nothing was ever broken.
Life still offers challenges, but it’s easier to rest in the feeling that the human experience is a process, not a project. I can see that I was, and still am, longing to be heard, seen, and hold in that experience. A need I have come to see in others as well.
My fascination with communication, expressions of humanness, and human interactions has led me to continue my higher studies in the fields of psychology and communication on the journey to become a psychotherapist. Aiming to give tools, support and hold space where and when I can and always continue to learn and live. With the focus to do it with presence and joy.
with love ♡
Practical Love AB
Allmänna vägen 2A
414 60 Gothenburg, Sweden