
Curious about our team? How we got started? Where we are going, or how we believe we can get there? Or maybe you are here to read some love stories from community members?

It is all here ♡

Love. How do we grow towards it? The pillars represent the closest thing we have to a method. Talking about love can quickly get philosophical. We return to the pillars again and again to stay grounded and practical when connecting to ourselves and when supporting others.

If consciousness is ever evolving then how could our vision as a practical peace movement be anything else then an aspiration to always keep exploring and researching ways to approach peace. If we all do it, and support each other, we believe peace emerges as a living evolving process.

If we want human evolution of consciousness towards peace we believe the organisations we build need to meet the deeper needs for ourselves and our planet. This is our aim. We are spectacularly inexperienced in building an organisation like this but we let our heart lead and see where we end up.

What if the process towards experiencing love, instead of seeking it, is to seek all our barriers between ourselves and love

We believe that if love had one wish, it would be that all of us dared to live love fully, in our own way. Our hope is that these love stories from friends around the world can offer a sense of freedom in the diversity of expressions love can take. Perhaps they can also serve as an invitation. For everyone to find their own practical love story.

A plane ride, a picnic blanket and two humans dedicated to authenticity, peace, love and communication. Every journey starts somewhere, this is our story.